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New Forum Features of Note


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I realized that we are making a very drastic forum improvement by going from IPB 1.3.1 (released in 2002), to IPS (released 2021).  A lot of features have been included in the last 19 years of IPS, and several older features are now gone.  So I want to highlight some things for you all - and understand some new ways to interact in the community. 



This is my favourite new feature.  Reactions offer more fine-grained sentiments towards content than a simple up/down or 'like'. They are now in common usage on social networks, and so users expect to be able to be more nuanced in their response to something they see.



WYSIWYG Post Editor

WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) is the new way to post.  There is no more BBCode.  It's all a rich-text editor from here out out.  This makes your life and our life as admins and avatars a LOT easier when writing posts and news articles.


With the reactions and reputation systems, users gain points and climb the leaderboards.  There's no rewards for being the top user for the day, or all-time, but it's just a fun way to maintain bragging rights as the top user on the site.  

Color Editor

If you haven't yet, check out the paint brush tool in the top left.  It lets you adjust the colors of the theme to match whatever you desire.  


We have added sidebar content.  If you want to be able to easily monitor what posts are new, or which posts are gaining the most replies and are considered "hot", there's a sidebar for that.  Simply put, it just lets you see more of the forum at one time than before. 

Member List

No more is the member list that allows you to search for people.  It was antiquated - and now it's simply a search bar.  Additionally, there is a replacement, and it's in the menu as Online Members.  Enjoy. 

Staff Director

The staff directory is a default feature of IPS 4, and it gives you the ability to identify people within the staff team and easily contact them without having to search.  

UserCP Changes

With the new software comes a new UserCP.  Obviously as before, you can change  your avatar. Now you can change your cover photo. We will be tinkering with the UserCP system as the game development gets going, so keep on the lookout for more profile fields - to include integration between the forums and Discord. 

Social Media Integration

IPS 4 allows us to integrate seamlessly with social media.  While we don't have social media pages, many of you do and you are able to integrate them if you so choose. 


You can now use emojis - not emoticons.  This gives you access to the VAST library of emojis, currently totaling over 3,000.  You can look at all the existing emojis at https://emojipedia.org/

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