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Greater Javin Gazette

Marcus Darkstar

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Anti-Corruption Act Passes in Greater Javin Senate

After long debate and a contentious vote in the Senate the Javin Anti-Corruption Act has passed with over two thirds voting in favor of it. The act hopes to reform financing in elections and to tackle government corruption in general. 

The JACA Limits candidates  from receiving donations to their campaigns exceeding two million credits, Outright barring foreign campaign contributions, and requiring foreign lobbyists to register with the government. To enforce this an independent Javin Election Commission will be founded to ensure all political actors comply with the JACA. This is aimed to combat foreign and corporate interests from corrupting the integrity of Greater Javin elections and to ensure the people of the Greater Javin Region their voices will be heard. 

Furthermore this act requires all government officials to report any gifts they have received exceeding a thousand credits in value and clarifies the rules on what is permissible. This is in an effort to combat suspected widespread bribery of government officials and the Justice Department promises to procecute any found in breach of the JACA to the fullest extent of the law with fines and appropriate jailtime.  

Edited by Marcus Darkstar
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Crackdown on Government Corruption Continues! 

In the waning months of Richard Hawke's last term as Chancellor he has pressed for continued action against government corruption. This with the creation of the Offices of the Auditor-General and the Whistleblower Act's introduction in the Senate. The Offices of the Auditor-General is aimed at investigating reports of government corruption and misconduct by government employees and forwarding them to the relevant departments for action to be taken against them. A new anonymous whistleblower hotline will be established at XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX that can be reached either with holonet or subspace transceivers. To encourage whistleblowers to come forward an new act in the Senate is seeking to get passed to offer protections to any government employee from possible retaliation. 

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