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Star Wars Diplomacy 3.3.7

Released 05/09/2022

Key Changes

Our 3.3.7 update is small, but definitely overdue and probably beneficial to many players. This update will offer the ability for players to link accounts and post as other accounts, without having to log out and log in.  Let's be clear up front - this feature is intended for those who run secret planets, secretly manage other organizations, have separate accounts to manage multiple planets (when authorized), and manage fleets or personalities (when authorized).  This is NOT so you can share your password with other players and post on their behalf. All activity with this feature is logged, so it won't take much effort for us to identify abuse.  So here goes...


You will now notice a link icon at the top right of the site. This is where you can add/remove/manage linked accounts. It's simple and intuitive. If you add an account, you will be required to login as that account to add it.  You can remove accounts as well that you don't want to use anymore. 


The link icon looks like this. 

After you have linked an account, you can always use that link to manage the linked accounts you may or may not have. This link will be available for all user groups except for Guests, Members, and Banned members.  The idea is you will only need it as a player or an admin or moderator (however Admins already have this functionality).  


When you want to make a post, you will see a screen like below, and a drop down box that will allow you to select which account is making the post. 


The drop down box displays below the text area for what you are posting


The idea here is that this should make some of your lives easier and less annoying by giving you this functionality, and speed up your own gameplay and require less time and effort to jump between authorized multi-accounts. As always, if there are bugs with this, please use the bug tracker.  If you need help, please ask. 

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